Wastewater Treatment

Emulsified Hydrocarbons

Emulsified hydrocarbons are oil and grease binding with a de greaser or soap chemical used to break down the hydrocarbon from the vehicle or equipment being washed. Once this happens, the emulsified hydrocarbon travel through a advanced bio remediation system that utilizes fixed film media matrix that allows a colonization of microbes to attack the chemical and hydrocarbon in this media. During this process, the microbes attack in closed quarters of a digester under flow and moving constantly in a closed loop system or a treat to discharge system. The microbes are fed through different venues of aeration, whether regenerated air blowers, or Mazzei air injection. Systems range from 10 GPM to 70 GPM. If heavy hydrocarbon is a problem for you at your facility wash bay, please consult Air & Lube Systems, Inc. for the custom design your company is looking for. Remember, Green technology is not a local fad, working with Air & Lube Systems, Inc. will allow you to reduce your hydrocarbon load up to 90 percent and digest the chemical in your waste stream. This means less money paid to environmental hauling companies quarterly, bi annually, and annually. Estimates based on real wash bay invoices show this amount to be anywhere from six thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars.

Self Cleaning Pit

Air & Lube Systems,  Self Cleaning Pit is designed to minimize serious sediments and solids settling in the bottom of a catch basin, therefore, the self cleaning pit is not that much different from a toilet bowel effect- meaning a shallow depth pit, cone bottomed in nature, and as soon as activated, one would see a agitated vortex effect in the SCP (self cleaning pit) and all waste in the waste stream would be pumped above ground for proper settling and treatment. Because this is a shallow pit, and due to the size (85 gallons) this SCP allows the advanced treatment to take place above ground and enhances the odor control as the advanced bio remediation takes place above the pit. In a closed loop system, the pit is also treated with hydrocarbon digesting microbes. Ask Air & Lube Systems, Inc. more about this technology and other pit systems for your water treatment needs. We will be happy to design, install, and service a custom water treatment system for your companies needs.

Settling Solids from the Waste Stream

If you have mud and solids on construction equipment, garbage trucks, tractor trailers, transit buses, fleet maintenance vehicles and any equipment needed to be cleaned in a wash bay, Air & Lube Systems, Inc. can provide you a solution to settling the solids from the waste stream. Air & Lube Systems, Inc. offers cone bottom tanks with timer actuated pinch valves that settle the solids from 1000 gallon cone bottom tanks with engineered tank stands-, as the solids settle, the pinch valves open and settle the solids into mud hoppers or sludge boxes. Air & Lube Systems, Inc. also offers Marine Grade Aluminum solids separators on timers from a PLC based control panel. Please consult Air & Lube Systems, Inc. on your waste water recycling needs that have a lot or solids and hydrocarbons.

Do you have Heavy Metals in your waste stream?

Heavy metals like zinc and copper are more prevalent in wash bay applications more then ever, this is due to various reasons, testing has been more stringent and disciplined by local agencies from city water discharge departments. Facilities such as city corporation yards, transit facilities, heavy equipment yards, large pipe yards, and waste facilities—- which in a lot of cases are washing down pallets full of metal/aluminum cans have felt the pain regarding metals in the waste stream. Typically, the fines are due to discharging into the sewer, the fines can be fairly large due to the toxic nature of the metals. City and Transit facilities have heavy metals mostly due to waste oil spills in the main shop while maintenance is performed, these spills go into shop drain lines which usually go to a in ground oil water separator and from there to a system that requires flocculent and ph balancing, this system is heavy on the maintenance side and difficult to manage. In recent years a new technology has been advanced and tested, and it is called ELECTRO COAGGULATION ( E.C.) E.C works in essence by self contained skid that entails a micro PH processor that reads the PH level of the waste stream as it enters the system, from there the waste stream processes to a 500 gallon treatment tank which has a low dose of AC/DC current charge.

Parallelogram Lifts in Chassis/Undercarriage Steam Bays

Many needs arise in water treatment and cleaning of grease and solids that form in the undercarriage and engine of larger vehicles and buses in the transit industry. This happens as the vehicles travel the highways and in some cases landfill through daily routes, these vehicles need to be cleaned and cleaned in a manner that you can also treat the water. In the long ago past, one way of doing this was burying a stationary hydraulic powered cylinder in the ground that would engage one of the two or three axles of the vehicle, then a electric powered controller would lift the axle off the ground anywhere from 12″ to 24″, because the bus engines are in the rear generally it was a thirty thousand pound cylinder that engaged the rear axle. Due to many factors, including water contamination, corrosion of the cylinder, rust, and hydraulic leaks 12 feet deep in the ground, this way of cleaning vehicles has changed to a run way style lift called the Rotary Parallelogram Lift that can be mounted three ways- surface mount, recessed mount in a pit, and flush mount. The recessed mount in a pit allows you to run a center trench down the middle of the pit that leads to a self cleaning pit ( SCP ), typically the depth of the pit is 12 inches, the runway and weight capacity varies. That said, the smallest run way is 26 feet and the largest 48 feet,, the weight capacity also varies, ranging from 25 thousand pounds to 130 thousand pounds. A controller is within 10 feet of the lift in the wash bay and comes outfitted with a wash bay kit, which protects the lift from rust. As the bus is raised for steam cleaning, a low pressure steam is activated from a 325 degree steam cleaner or in some cases a 275 degree pressure washer and the washing begins, the undercarriage and engines is done, sludge buildup breaks off and into the center trench it travels to the SCP which then processes the waste water above ground to a system designed for your facility. The system design is gauged upon how many vehicles in fleet, what your wash policy is, how much solids are involved, and whether it is a closed loop recycler or a treat to discharge recycler. Please consult Air & Lube Systems, Inc. on this lift and the right water treatment system for

Manual Wash Systems

Are you spending a lot of man power washing your heavy equipment? Preparation of heavy equipment for maintenance can be labor intensive. Air & Lube Systems, Inc. can offer you a way to cut your overhead with an InterClean WashMan system. A WashMan system replaces you low volume high pressure rinse system with a high volume rinse system that can reduce the wash process by days. The system is self contained due to the volume of water the system uses. If you are currently using a low pressure system and are interested in saving money, please contact us. We have attached a WashMan video link below to help you see how you will save money and time, by owning this system.